Source code for kyu_4.most_frequently_used_words.solution

"""Most frequently used words in a text"""

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def top_3_words(text: str) -> list: """ Given a string of text (possibly with punctuation and line-breaks), returns an array of the top-3 most occurring words, in descending order of the number of occurrences. :param text: a string of text :return: an array of the top-3 most occurring words """ # 1 # Matches should be case-insensitive, and the words # in the result should be lower-cased. illegals = ';/_?,.:!-' text_lower = text.lower() for char in illegals: text_lower = text_lower.replace(char, ' ') # 2 words: list = [word for word in text_lower.split() if word.replace("'", '') != ''] processed = set() # 3 counters: dict = dict() for word in words: if word not in processed: processed.add(word) counter = words.count(word) if counter in counters: counters[counter].append(word) else: counters[counter] = [word] # 4 results: list = list() n = 3 keys = sorted(counters.keys(), reverse=True) for counter in keys: diff = n - len(results) results += counters[counter][:diff] if len(results) == 3: break return results