Source code for kyu_4.next_bigger_number_with_the_same_digits.test_next_bigger

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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import allure
import unittest
from utils.log_func import print_log
from kyu_4.next_bigger_number_with_the_same_digits.next_bigger import next_bigger

[docs]@allure.epic("4 kyu") @allure.parent_suite('Competent') @allure.suite("Algorithms") @allure.sub_suite("Unit Tests") @allure.feature("String") @allure.story("Next bigger number with the same digits") @allure.tag('ALGORITHMS', 'NUMBERS', 'STRINGS', 'INTEGERS', 'MATHEMATICS')'', name='Source/Kata') class NextBiggerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_next_bigger(self): """ Testing next_bigger function You have to test a function that takes a positive integer number and returns the next bigger number formed by the same digits: 12 ==> 21 513 ==> 531 2017 ==> 2071 If no bigger number can be composed using those digits, return -1 """ allure.dynamic.title("Testing next_bigger function") allure.dynamic.severity(allure.severity_level.NORMAL) allure.dynamic.description_html('<h3>Codewars badge:</h3>' '<img src="' '/badges/large">' '<h3>Test Description:</h3>' "<p>Testing next_bigger function</p>" "<p>You have to test a function that takes a positive integer " "number and returns the next bigger number formed by the same digits:</p>" "<p>12 ==> 21</p>" "<p>513 ==> 531</p>" "<p>2017 ==> 2071</p>" "<p>If no bigger number can be composed using those digits, return -1</p>") test_data = [ (6, -1), (12, 21), (513, 531), (2017, 2071), (414, 441), (144, 414), (6938652, 6952368), (123456789, 123456798) ] for n, expected in test_data: actual_result = next_bigger(n) print_log(n=n, expected=expected, actual_result=actual_result) with allure.step("Enter an integer ({}), " "generate the result ({}) and " "compare it with expected ({})".format(n, actual_result, expected)): self.assertEqual(expected, actual_result)