Source code for kyu_5.find_the_safest_places_in_town.advice

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def create_city_map(n: int) -> set: """ Generate city map with coordinates :param n: defines the size of the city that Bassi needs to hide in, in other words the side length of the square grid :return: """ return set((row, col) for row in range(0, n) for col in range(0, n))
[docs]def agents_cleanup(agents, n) -> set: """ Remove all agents that are outside of the city boundaries. If agent coordinates are outside of the map, they are simply not considered. :param agents: is an array of agent coordinates :param n: defines the size of the city that Bassi needs to hide in, in other words the side length of the square grid :return: """ return set(agent for agent in agents if agent[0] < n and agent[1] < n)
[docs]def city_map_processing(city: set, agents: set) -> None: """ :param city: the full city map (set) :param agents: is an set of agent coordinates. :return: """ while agents and city > agents: # Remove all agents from city map city -= agents # print('\nCITY\n', city) # debug only temp = set() # Recalculate distance from each agent for x, y in agents: # Manhattan distance kind a calculation for pos in {(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)}: if pos in city: temp.add(pos) agents = temp
# print('\nAGENTS\n', agents) # debug only
[docs]def advice(agents: set, n: int) -> list: """ The function should return a list of coordinates that are the furthest away (by Manhattan distance) from all agents. Edge cases: - If there is an agent on every grid cell, there is no safe space, so return an empty list. - If there are no agents, then every cell is a safe spaces, so return all coordinates. - if n is 0, return an empty list. - If agent coordinates are outside of the map, they are simply not considered. - There are no duplicate agents on the same square. :param agents: is an array of agent coordinates :param n: defines the size of the city that Bassi needs to hide in, in other words the side length of the square grid :return: """ # if n is 0, return an empty list if n == 0: return list() # If agent coordinates are outside of the map, they are simply not considered. # There are no duplicate agents on the same square. agents = agents_cleanup(agents, n) # If there is an agent on every grid cell, there is no safe space, # so return an empty list if len(agents) == n * n: return list() # If there are no agents, then every cell is a safe spaces, # so return all coordinates city = create_city_map(n) if not agents: return list(city) city_map_processing(city, agents) return list(city)