Source code for kyu_5.flatten.flatten

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def flatten(*args): """ The method takes in any number of arguments and flattens them into a single array. If any of the arguments passed in are an array then the individual objects within the array will be flattened so that they exist at the same level as the other arguments. Any nested arrays, no matter how deep, should be flattened into the single array result. :return: """ result = [] if args: unpack(args, result) return result
[docs]def unpack(data, collection: list): """ Helper method. Unpack data until its not list or a tuple. :param data: :param collection: :return: """ if not isinstance(data, list) and not isinstance(data, tuple): collection.append(data) else: for d in data: unpack(d, collection)