Source code for kyu_5.sum_of_pairs.sum_pairs

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def sum_pairs(ints: list, s: int): """ Given a list of integers and a single sum value, returns the first two values (parse from the left please) in order of appearance that add up to form the sum. :param ints: a list of integers :param s: a single sum value :return: the first two values = s """ results = dict() short_ints = simplify(ints) for indx_a, a in enumerate(short_ints): for indx_b, b in enumerate(short_ints): if indx_a != indx_b: if a + b == s: dif = abs(indx_a - indx_b) if dif == 1: return [a, b] if dif not in results: results[dif] = [a, b] return results[min(results)] if len(results) > 0 else None
[docs]def simplify(ints: list) -> list: """ In order to speed up the process we should simplify the input list by reducing duplicate values, see sample below: [1,4,5,1,1,1,1,1,4,7,8] >>> [1,4,5,1,4,7,8] :param ints: a list of integers :return: simplified list of integers """ result = list() temp = -1 for i in ints: if temp != i: temp = i result.append(i) return result