Source code for kyu_6.array_to_html_table.to_table

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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TABLE: dict = {
    'start': '<table>',
    'end': '</table>',
    'head': {
        'start': '<thead>',
        'end': '</thead>'
    'header': {
        'start': '<th>',
        'end': '</th>'
    'body': {
        'start': '<tbody>',
        'end': '</tbody>'
    'row': {
        'start': '<tr>',
        'end': '</tr>'
    'column': {
        'start': '<td>',
        'end': '</td>'

[docs]def to_table(data: list, header: bool = False, index: bool = False) -> str: """ Takes three arguments: data, headers, index, and returns a string containing HTML tags representing the table. :param data: a 2D array (list) :param header: an optional boolean value. If True, the first row of the array is considered a header, defaults to False :param index: an optional boolean value. If False, the first column in the table should contain 1-based indices of the corresponding row. If headers arguments is True, this column should have empty header. Defaults to False. :return: a string containing HTML tags representing the table. """ rows_and_columns: str = '' for i, row in enumerate(data): if header and i == 0: rows_and_columns = '{}{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['head']['start'], TABLE['row']['start']) if index: rows_and_columns = '{}{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['header']['start'], TABLE['header']['end']) rows_and_columns += ''.join('{}{}{}'.format(TABLE['header']['start'], col, TABLE['header']['end']) for b, col in enumerate(row)) rows_and_columns = '{}{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['row']['end'], TABLE['head']['end']) else: if TABLE['body']['start'] not in rows_and_columns: rows_and_columns = '{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['body']['start']) rows_and_columns = '{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['row']['start']) if index: rows_and_columns = '{}{}{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['column']['start'], i if header else i + 1, TABLE['column']['end']) rows_and_columns += ''.join('{}{}{}'.format(TABLE['column']['start'], '' if col is None else col, TABLE['column']['end']) for col in row) rows_and_columns = '{}{}'.format(rows_and_columns, TABLE['row']['end']) return '{}{}{}{}'.format(TABLE['start'], rows_and_columns, TABLE['body']['end'], TABLE['end'])