Source code for kyu_6.encrypt_this.solution

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def encrypt_this(text: str) -> str: """ Encrypts each word in the message using the following rules: * The first letter needs to be converted to its ASCII code. * The second letter needs to be switched with the last letter Keepin' it simple: There are no special characters in input. :param text: a string containing space separated words :return: secret messages which can be deciphered by the "Decipher this!" kata """ if not text: return "" results = list() for word in text.split(' '): if len(word) == 1: results.append("{}".format(ord(word[0]))) elif len(word) == 2: results.append("{}{}".format(ord(word[0]), word[-1])) else: results.append("{}{}{}{}".format( ord(word[0]), word[-1], word[2:-1], word[1])) return ' '.join(results)