Source code for kyu_6.rotate_the_letters_of_each_element.group_cities

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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[docs]def group_cities(seq: list) -> list: """ A function that given a sequence of strings, groups the elements that can be obtained by rotating others, ignoring upper or lower cases. In the event that an element appears more than once in the input sequence, only one of them will be taken into account for the result, discarding the rest. :param seq: Sequence of strings. Valid characters for those strings are uppercase and lowercase characters from the alphabet and whitespaces. :return: Sequence of elements. Each element is the group of inputs that can be obtained by rotating the strings. """ results: list = list() for item in seq: if len(results) == 0: temp = set() temp.add(item) results.append(temp) else: found = False for i, sublist in enumerate(results): for element in sublist: if len(element) == len(item) and \ sorted([char for char in element.lower()]) == \ sorted([char for char in item.lower()]) and \ rotate(item, element): results[i].add(element) results[i].add(item) found = True break if not found: temp = set() temp.add(item) results.append(temp) # Sort the elements of each group alphabetically. results = ([sorted(list(r)) for r in results]) # Sort the groups sort_results(results) return results
[docs]def rotate(item: str, element: str) -> bool: item = item.lower() element = element.lower() i = 0 max_i = len(item) * len(item) while i < max_i: item = '{}{}'.format(item[1:], item[0]) if item == element: return True i += 1 return False
[docs]def sort_results(results: list) -> None: """ Sort the groups deafeningly by size and in the case of a tie, by the first element of the group alphabetically. :param results: :return: """ is_sorted = False while not is_sorted: is_sorted = True for i, element in enumerate(results): if i + 1 < len(results): # Sort the groups deafeningly by size if len(element) < len(results[i + 1]): is_sorted = False results[i], results[i + 1] = results[i + 1], element # in the case of a tie, by the first element of the group alphabetically elif len(element) == len(results[i + 1]): if results[i][0] > results[i + 1][0]: is_sorted = False results[i], results[i + 1] = results[i + 1], element