Source code for kyu_7.always_perfect.check_root

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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import math
from typing import List

[docs]def check_root(string: str) -> str: """ A function which takes numbers separated by commas in string format and returns the number which is a perfect square and the square root of that number. If string contains other characters than number or it has more or less than 4 numbers separated by comma function returns "incorrect input". If string contains 4 numbers but not consecutive it returns "not consecutive". :param string: :return: """ string_arr: List = string.split(',') if len(string_arr) != 4: return 'incorrect input' try: string_arr = list(int(char) for char in string_arr) except ValueError: return 'incorrect input' result: int = 1 for s in string_arr: result *= s result += 1 root: float = math.sqrt(result) if root % 1 == 0: return '{}, {}'.format(result, int(root)) else: return 'not consecutive'