Source code for kyu_7.vaporcode.test_vaporcode

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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import unittest
import allure
from utils.log_func import print_log
from kyu_7.vaporcode.vaporcode import vaporcode

[docs]@allure.epic('7 kyu') @allure.parent_suite('Beginner') @allure.suite("Data Structures") @allure.sub_suite("Unit Tests") @allure.feature("String") @allure.story('V A P O R C O D E') @allure.tag()'', name='Source/Kata') class VaporcodeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing 'vaporcode' function """
[docs] def test_vaporcode(self): """ Testing 'vaporcode' function :return: """ allure.dynamic.title("Testing 'vaporcode' function") allure.dynamic.severity(allure.severity_level.NORMAL) allure.dynamic.description_html('<h3>Codewars badge:</h3>' '<img src="' '/badges/large">' '<h3>Test Description:</h3>' "<p></p>") with allure.step("Enter string with spaces" " and verify the output"): s = "Lets go to the movies" expected = "L E T S G O T O " \ "T H E M O V I E S" print_log(s=s, expected=expected) self.assertEqual(vaporcode(s), expected) with allure.step("Enter string with special " "chars and verify the output"): s = "Why isn't my code working?" expected = "W H Y I S N ' T M Y " \ "C O D E W O R K I N G ?" print_log(s=s, expected=expected) self.assertEqual(vaporcode(s), expected) with allure.step("Enter crazy string and verify the output"): s = " ; FUV! qd vz Xy-b pM.!:F lEqRLY,p RGS:;Rh Z " expected = "; F U V ! Q D V Z X Y - B P " \ "M . ! : F L E Q R L Y , P R G " \ "S : ; R H Z" print_log(s=s, expected=expected) self.assertEqual(vaporcode(s), expected) with allure.step("Enter string with chars" "only and verify the output"): s = "blah" expected = "B L A H" print_log(s=s, expected=expected) self.assertEqual(vaporcode(s), expected)