kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions package


kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.sequence module

kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.sequence.general_term_of_arithmetic_progression(a: int, dif: int, terms: int = 3) → int[source]
kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.sequence.sequence(n: int) → int[source]

A function f(n), which returns the n-th member of sequence.

Consider a sequence, which is formed by the following rule: next term is taken as the smallest possible non-negative integer, which is not yet in the sequence, so that no 3 terms of sequence form an arithmetic progression.


f(0) = 0 – smallest non-negative f(1) = 1 – smallest non-negative, which is not yet in the sequence f(2) = 3 – since 0, 1, 2 form an arithmetic progression f(3) = 4 – neither of 0, 1, 4, 0, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4 form an arithmetic

progression, so we can take smallest non-negative, which is larger than 3

f(4) = 9 – 5, 6, 7, 8 are not good, since 1, 3, 5, 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 0, 4, 8

are all valid arithmetic progressions.




kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.sequence.sum_of_arithmetic_progression(a: int, dif: int, terms: int = 3) → int[source]

kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.test_sequence module

Testing sequence function A function f(n), should returns the n-th member of sequence.

class kyu_6.no_arithmetic_progressions.test_sequence.SequenceTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]


Testing sequence function A function f(n), should returns the n-th member of sequence.

pytestmark = [Mark(name='skip', args=(), kwargs={'reason': 'The solution is not ready'})]

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