kyu_7.share_prices package


kyu_7.share_prices.share_price module

kyu_7.share_prices.share_price.share_price(invested: int, changes: list) → str[source]

Calculates, and returns the current price of your share, given the following two arguments:

1. invested(number), the amount of money you initially invested in the given share

2. changes(array of numbers), contains your shares daily movement percentages

The returned number, should be in string format, and it’s precision should be fixed at 2 decimal numbers. :param invested: :param changes: :return:

kyu_7.share_prices.test_share_price module

class kyu_7.share_prices.test_share_price.SharePriceTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]


Testing share_price function


Testing share_price function with multiple test inputs :return:

Module contents