Source code for kyu_6.string_transformer.test_string_transformer

#  Created by Egor Kostan.
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import unittest
import allure
from utils.log_func import print_log
from kyu_6.string_transformer.string_transformer import string_transformer

[docs]@allure.epic('6 kyu') @allure.parent_suite('Novice') @allure.suite("Data Structures") @allure.sub_suite("Unit Tests") @allure.feature("String") @allure.story('String transformer') @allure.tag()'', name='Source/Kata') class StringTransformerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing string_transformer function """
[docs] def test_string_transformer(self): """ Testing string_transformer function with multiple test data. Given a string, return a new string that has transformed based on the input: 1. Change case of every character, ie. lower case to upper case, upper case to lower case. 2. Reverse the order of words from the input. :return: """ allure.dynamic.title("Testing string_transformer function") allure.dynamic.severity(allure.severity_level.NORMAL) allure.dynamic.description_html('<h3>Codewars badge:</h3>' '<img src="' '/badges/large">' '<h3>Test Description:</h3>' "<p></p>") with allure.step("Enter test string and verify the output"): test_data = [ ("Example string", "STRING eXAMPLE"), ("Example Input", "iNPUT eXAMPLE"), ("To be OR not to be That is the Question", "qUESTION THE IS tHAT BE TO NOT or BE tO"), ("", ""), ("You Know When THAT Hotline Bling", "bLING hOTLINE that wHEN kNOW yOU"), (" A b C d E f G ", " g F e D c B a "), ("Alc Rl VLEE k xLU c c", "C C Xlu K vlee rL aLC"), ("J VVmviAdpIAFzh zs oMHsx HPvN xt sN PlW u K " "Q XnV mR Betg ox E j cIiQ Fa GJdk ECYzH BkuU ", " bKUu ecyZh gjDK fA CiIq J e OX bETG Mr " "xNv q k U pLw Sn XT hpVn OmhSX ZS vvMVIaDPiafZH j"), ("LXOP QmsZs R i jUor SWDkkhh P X Q H vz gD " "KSpv hGCOSB e e r piw pXB OqkIbb ", " oQKiBB Pxb PIW R E E Hgcosb ksPV Gd VZ h q " "x p swdKKHH JuOR I r qMSzS lxop"), ("V Ots Ev k Q bC jK Db cezl YdmzzYbK iu JdJu P " "qeAwqZYewoHk YnGdGQa LoDorPaUom cSJo s", "S CsjO lOdORpAuOM yNgDgqA QEaWQzyEWOhK p jDjU " "IU yDMZZyBk CEZL dB Jk Bc q K eV oTS v"), ("KYjBc SgkXrFIDq MYv XAEzh RX fkSPCF tMtYN ewyhq " "EFSgia DUH u vXizIYb u oZ OMw YjaqzJ BJGjfOc s", "S bjgJFoC yJAQZj omW Oz U VxIZiyB U duh efsGIA " "EWYHQ TmTyn FKspcf rx xaeZH myV sGKxRfidQ kyJbC"), ("ncE ZpQ O y A fBNbw R v rCg n yhpvx BMn tk " "ubCZrHJl GiEyCjZcRk kheNwWj PA ZAGpsZamNHb", "zagPSzAMnhB pa KHEnWwJ gIeYcJzCrK UBczRhjL TK " "bmN YHPVX N RcG V r FbnBW a Y o zPq NCe"), ("UOtfi erH kCk KXzg Io Y I TYAf " "EGXVSvASIyJ p Zf p kV g RI V", "v ri G Kv P zF P egxvsVasiYj tyaF " "i y iO kxZG KcK ERh uoTFI") ] for s, expected in test_data: print_log(s=s, expected=expected) self.assertEqual(expected, string_transformer(s))