kyu_6.string_transformer package


kyu_6.string_transformer.string_transformer module

kyu_6.string_transformer.string_transformer.string_transformer(s: str) → str[source]

Given a string, return a new string that has transformed based on the input:

1. Change case of every character, ie. lower case to upper case, upper case to lower case. 2. Reverse the order of words from the input.

Note: You will have to handle multiple spaces, and leading/trailing spaces.

You may assume the input only contain English alphabet and spaces. :param s: :return:

kyu_6.string_transformer.test_string_transformer module

class kyu_6.string_transformer.test_string_transformer.StringTransformerTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]


Testing string_transformer function


Testing string_transformer function with multiple test data.

Given a string, return a new string that has transformed based on the input:

1. Change case of every character, ie. lower case to upper case, upper case to lower case. 2. Reverse the order of words from the input.


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